
#17: 世界最長のゴルフ場、ウォンバット遭遇のチャンスも

World's longest golf course, also a chance to meet a wombat

 [シドニー 5日 ロイター] 全長1365キロもある世界最長のゴルフコース「ナラーバー・リンクス」がオーストラリアに誕生し、ゴルファーに新たな挑戦の機会を与えている。

With an overall length of 1365 kms, the world's longest golf course (Nullabor Links) has been created in Australia, giving golfers the opportunity of a new challenge.


The 18 holes of this golf course are dotted over two States and par is 72 shots. The course has been built along the Eyre Highway which joins South and Western Australia, and the first tournament is planned for October 22.


The course, whose construction began in 2005, is worth playing not only for the golf. Its charm is also in being able to directly observe Australia's wild animals.

4番ホールがあ るNundrooは、ミナミケバナウォンバットがオーストラリアで最も多く生息している地域で、ゴルフ場建設のプロジェクト責任者は「カンガルーやエ ミュー、ラクダなど、ワニ以外のあらゆる野生動物を目撃できるだろう」と話した。 

Nundroo, the location of the 4th hole, is the area with the largest population of Southern Hairy Nosed wombats in Australia. A representative of the golf course construction project said "kangaroos, emus, camels, etc., in fact all wild animals, except crocodiles, can be seen I think".


The fuel cost to go around the course is approximately A$200 (about 16,000 yen), and at the 5th hole it is said that you have to be prepared to have several balls stolen by a crow.

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