
#16: 豪州のモーターレース、観客のビールを1日24本に制限

Australian car race, spectators limited to 24 cans of beer per day.

 [メルボルン 6日 ロイター] オーストラリアで最も人気あるモーターレースの1つ、「バサースト1000」で、観客の飲酒量に制限が設けられることになった。
At the Bathurst 1000, one of Australia's most popular car races, a limit has been set on the amount of alcohol the spectators can have.

This experiment to decrease alcohol related crime was announced by New South Wales police on the 6th of this month.

This alcohol limit applies to a race held from the 8th to the 11th in Bathurst, which is in the eastern part of New South Wales. Each spectator is limited to bringing in up to twenty four 375ml cans per day.

If low alcohol beer is chosen, up to 36 cans are allowed, in the case of wine up to 4 liters. Combinations of various types of drinks are said to be not allowed.

Police superintendent Alan Clark stated that "The police respect people's right to enjoy the weekend race. However, they will act quickly if the law is broken".

The authorities are appealing to people traveling to the race be mindful of safe driving, being careful not to speed and of fatigue.

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