
#4: 最も利用されている情報源はインターネット=調査

Survey finds internet is most used source of information.
2009年 06月 18日 14:17 JST
 [ニューヨーク 17日 ロイター] 情報源としてのインターネットは他メディアに比べて人気が最も高く、テレビや新聞よりもネット上でニュースを見る人が多いことが米国の調査で分かった。
A USA survey found that the internet is the most popular information source compared to other media and that the more people use the net to access news than use television or newpapers.

On the other hand, another result showed that the social networking sites (SNS), Face Book, My Space, Twitter and others, do not form more than a small part of the useful information sources used by adults.

In a survey conducted by research company, Zogby Interactive, more than half the people responded that they would choose the internet if they could only choose one information source. 21% would choose television and 10% would choose newspapers or radio.

The people who answered that SNS were an important source of information were limited to 10%, and only 4% of people got their information from the Twitter (which causes trouble to the media?).

About 40% of people answered that the internet was the most reliable or trustworth source of information, this greatly exceed the 17% who selected television, 16% newspapers and 13% radio.

Among the 3030 adults who participated in the online survey, roughly half answered that they highly regarded websites of newspaper companies and 43% used the websites of television stations.

Link to original article on Reuters

2 件のコメント:

  1. Chrisさん, こんにちは.

    私のイメージでは「Twitter which is frequently reported by media」,

    ここでの「騒がす」はannoyというよりshake up(揺るがす)に近いと思います.

  2. Keiko san,
    Thanks very much for your comment and the explanation about 騒がす. Thanks for saying my pronuniation is OK. I feel my reading of the Japanese is a bit slow and gives a slightly bad impression to the listeners, but the point for me is to practice speaking and reading, and hopefully I will improve. Later on I may come back and re-record my Japanese reading part and so it will sound better.

