
#2: オーストラリアの景気対策、死者にも給付金支払い

Australian economic measure, even the dead receive payments.
2009年 05月 28日 16:05 JST

[キャンベラ 28日 ロイター] オーストラリア政府による景気刺激策で、すでに亡くなった人や海外在住者にも給付金が支払われていることが分かった。政府が28日明らかにした。
According to the Australian government, it has realised that people who were already dead or living overseas were paid a benefit as part of its business stimulus measure. This was revealed by the government on the 28th.

In Australia, which is falling into recession and where the employment situation is growing worse, the government as part of its economic measure plans to spend a total of A$52 billion (about 3.9 trillion Yen) in special grants. These payments started in September last year.

The intended recipients of the payments were taxpayers, with a focus on households with children and old people. However it was reported that, 16,000 dead people where paid a total of A$14 million (1 billion Yen) and 25,000 people living overseas received A$25 million (1.8 billion Yen).

Finance minister, Mr Tanner, said on local televison "Even though payments had been made to dead people, it would naturally go to their estate". His point of view remained that these payments would be worthwhile and contribute to economic activity.

Link to original article on Reuters

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