#28: お聞きの皆さんに会いたいです
We want to meet the listeners
Judy and I will be traveling in Japan from late September to the end of October.
ジュ ディと僕は9月下旬から10月の終わりまで日本で旅行します。
At that time we would like to meet some of you who listen to the podcast.
その時は、ポッドキャストをお聞きの皆さんの中、何人かに会いた いと思います。
If you would like to meet us, please contact us via email (chris@raymonds.net.au) or via a comment on the blog (http://okashi-na-news-de.blogspot.com).
もし私たちに会っても良いと思ったら、メール (chris@raymonds.net.au)またはブログ(http://okashi-na-news-de.blogspot.com)にコメン トを介して、連絡して下さい。
The itinerary for our trip is not firmly set, but we will probably do a big loop from Tokyo down to Kyushu via Shikoku, back up to Nikko and back down to Tokyo.
旅の旅程をしっかりと決めていませんが、おそらく東京から四 国経由で九州に行って、それから日光へ行って、東京に戻ります。
So if you contact us, we can probably arrange to meet you at a coffee shop, restaurant or mall in your town or area.
だから連絡を貰えれば、町や地域のコーヒーショップ、レストランやショッピングモールでお会いする予定が立 てられると思います。
We would also like to make a podcast together when we meet. The questions we would ask are written below. You could answer in English or Japanese. If you answered in Japanese, I would translate into English for Judy.
また、一緒にポッドキャストを作りたいと思います。聞きたい質問は下に書いてあります。答えは英語 でも日本語でもいいです。日本語の場合、僕がジュディの為に英語に通訳します。
Podcast questions
What is you online or real name?
How did you find out about "おかしなニュースで英語を勉強しよう" podcast?
Which is your favourite episode and why?
Why are you studying English?
What is your occupation?
What do you like to do in your free time?
コメントの投稿 (Atom)
Dear Chris-san and Judy-san,
返信削除Hooray!! Here comes Chris and Judy to Japan!! I'm looking forward to seeing you two. I'll send the detail via e-mail. Sorry, I've been busy playing webgame called AVA.... Now school began.
Best wishes,
Chipmunk san,
返信削除Thanks for replying. Judy and I are looking forward to meeting you too. It will be fun. Please send your email with details to chris@raymonds.net.au