
#27: 婚活ブームの中、東京に「結婚予備校」が誕生

Marriage preparation school opens in Tokyo during "spouse hunting" boom
2010年 03月 12日 14:59 JST

 [東京 11日  ロイター] 自分にふさわしい結婚相手を探すいわゆる「婚活」がブームとして広がる中、東京都内に新たに「結婚予備校」が誕生した。
During the spread of the "konkatsu" boom, or spouse-hunting activities, a marriage preparation school has opened in Tokyo.

 「青山結婚予備校 インフィニス クール」では、結婚を希望する男女に、パートナーやその両親に好印象を与えるための話し方や歩き方、自分を優雅に演出する方法などを教授。
At Aoyama Marriage Prepation School, Infini, men and women hoping to get married are instructed in how to talk, walk and be elegant for the purpose of making a good impression on potential partners and their parents.

Within the course they also have classes where, after doing a date simulation, the lecturer gives advice on what they should do to improve.

 同校 によると、先月に開校して以降、受講生は女性が約30人、男性もほぼ同数が入学登録をしたが、実際に授業に出席しているのは圧倒的に女性が多い。女性受講 者の平均年齢は30歳となっている。
According to the school, since it opened last month about 30 women have attended classes. About the same number of men also enrolled but in reality the overwelming majority of class attendees have been women. The average age of women participating is 30 years old.

The annual fee to attend this school is 200,000 yen (US$2,217), including both enrolment and ongoing fees.

According to government statistics, currently, close to two-thirds of women aged less than 34 are not married.

Link to original Japanese article
Link to English article + related video

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