
#21: 犬を水に引きずり込む「ならず者カンガルー」、オーストラリア

犬を水に引きずり込む「ならず者カンガルー」、オーストラリア Rogue roo drags dog into water, Australia.
2009年11月23日 21:37 発信地:メルボルン/オーストラリア

On the outskirts of Melbourne (Australia), a rogue kangaroo, in addition to trying to drown a dog, also started to fiercely attack its owner (a man aged 49) when he went to the dog's rescue. This was announced on 23rd November by the hospital where the man received medical treatment.

The incident occurred in a dam close to Melbourne, the kangaroo attacked the man's dog and dragged it into the dam. The man, who jumped into the dam to rescue the dog, was violently scratched by the kangaroo. His face, eye and abdomen received deep lacerations, his chest and both hands also received many scratch injuries.

Link to original article

2 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Chris and Judy,

    I think there is something wrong with episode No.8 of iTunes Podcast. I can't download only that one. Is your 8th episode okay?

  2. Chipmunk san,
    Thanks for pointing that out. There was a problem and I have now fixed it. It was possible to listen to it from the blog, but not from iTunes. Now both are OK. Please let me know if you find other problems.
