
#9: ドバイ発ラクダのミルク入りチョコ、日本進出も視野

Dubai produces camel milk chocolate, plans to expand to Japan
2009年 07月 22日 13:38 JST

 [ドバイ 21日 ロイター] ラクダの乳を使用したチョコレートを世界で初めて作ったドバイのアル・ナスマが21日、中東諸国や欧州、米国、日本への進出を計画していることを明らかにした。

The world's first producer of chocolate made using camel milk, Dubai's Al Nassma, disclosed on the 21 July that they plan to expand to the Middle East, Europe, USA and Japan.


According to the company's Martin Van Almsick, first they will market to Saudi Arabia, within a few months they plan to expand into markets in Bahrain, Qatar, Quwait and USA. Negotiations are also progressing for selling in the long-established English department store, Harrods, and in specialist chocolate stores in San Francisco. They are exploring the possibility of opening a branch office in Japan where the demand for chocolate is high.


The company, which was established in October last year, is aiming to produce 100 tons of high grade camel milk chocolate each year. The number of camels being raised is 3,000. Apart from the chocolate sold at the shop established on the farm, they also service luxury hotels and in-flight snacks on private airlines.


It was said that the product is free from preservatives and chemical additives, and various locally popular spices, nuts, honey etc. are added.

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