
#8: 今年もか!長崎・対馬沖で大量のエチゼンクラゲ

This year too? A large number of Nomura jellyfish in the sea around Tsushima, Nagasaki.
2009年7月8日09時15分 読売新聞


Large numbers of Nomura (also known as Echizen) jellyfish, which cause serious damage to the fishing industry by entering nets etc., have been discovered in the sea near Nagasaki. There is rising fear that, for the first time in 3 years, that an enormous group will drift into the sea near Tottori prefecture, so on 7 July both the prefecture fishery cooperative and the Sakai marine preservation department joined together for a meeting to discuss emergency counter-measures.


In the past, trawlers, having started to haul up their nets, have capsized due to the weight of the jellyfish. However, no "sure-fire" way has been found to prevent this damage. A fisherman, filled with trepidation, said "Continuing on from last year's fuel price rise, this year we have jellyfish?"


At today's meeting there were representatives from the fishery cooperative, employees from the marine products laboratory, the chief of the Tottori prefecture marine preservation department and others, in all about 20 people attended. The person in charge reported that this month, in the sea around Tsushima, it was confirmed that on some days there were up to 2,000 Nomura jellyfish with heads 15 to 30cm in diameter. There is a fear that, after riding the ocean current, in the sea off Tottori prefecture in August and September there will be a large number drifting about. By that time, they will have grown to 80 - 100 cm and weigh 100-200kg.


The last time there was an outbreak of large numbers of Nomura jellyfish was in 2005/06. The fixed fishing nets in the prefecture also incurred serious damage. The prefecture Coastal Trawler Cooperative president, Mr Hideo Namakashi, looking back on that time, said that "Even for fishing trawlers, it was difficult to search for an area of sea which did not have jellyfish. Even if the nets could be raised, it took time to remove the jellyfish, the fish were damaged, so it did not amount to a catch".


In August 2002 in the sea near Iwami village an accident occurred where, a large number of jellyfish were in a trawlers net, the weight made the small boat capsize, the captain was thrown into the sea and it took about 4 hours for him to be rescued.


At the meeting several counter-measures were introduced, to slice the jellyfish by pulling a net made from wire between two boats, or to guide the fish into a fixed net, then make the mesh of the net larger and let the jellyfish slip through.


However, apart from the wire net damaging the boat's hull when in use, a weakness of the cruise designed to exterminate the jellyfish would be the large fuel costs. Also, an improved net with large mesh would, after all, reduce the catch, so it was said that it would be difficult to progress its uptake.


The cause of the outbreak is not well understood, but it is pointed out that China's economic development has led to increases in chemical nutrients, and the like, in the East China Sea. The prefecture fisheries department is "supporting the spread of improved nets and by assisting with processing costs wants to reduce the burden on fishermen".

Link to original article

1 件のコメント:

  1. Whilst chatting to my Japanese friend, Akira san, this morning on Skype, I found out that the Japanese for jellyfish クラゲ, can also be written with kanji as 水母 (water mother) or 海月 (sea moon).
    I think both of these alternatives are poetic, particularly "sea moon" as a translucent jellyfish looks just like a full moon floating in the sea.
