#25: ネット上の恋人探し、世界中で受け入れられる傾向=調査
Survey finds trend toward worldwide acceptance of searching for a partner on the internet
2010年 02月 16日 15:27 JST
[ロンドン 15日 ロイター] 英BBCワールドサービスが世界19カ国のインターネット利用者1万0976人を対象に実施した調査で、インターネットが恋人探しに適した場所だと回答した人が全体の30%に上ったことが分かった。
The BBC World Service has found, in a survey of 10,976 internet users in 19 countries, that the number of people that agreed that the internet is a suitable place to search for a partner has grown to 30%.
In particular, in India and Pakistan the proportion is higher, comprising 59% and 60% of respondents respectively. The figures for Ghana (47%) and Phillipines (42%) were high, however those for the USA (21%), South Korea (16%), England (28%) and France (27%) were comparatively low.
Also, looking at educational levels, amongst University graduates those who answered that the internet was a good place to search for a partner was limited to 28%, which was low compared to 36% for people who had not graduated from high school.
BBCの委託を受けて実際に調査を行った国際調査機関グローブスキャンのサ ム・マウントフォード氏は「多くの人々、特に発展途上国の人々にとって、インターネットは仕事や買い物、友人との交流の場だけではなく、人生のパートナー を探すための確かな方法になっている」と述べた。
Sam Mountford from the international polling firm GlobeScan, who conducted the survey for the BBC, said that "for many people, and particularly for those from developing countries, the internet is not only a place for work, shopping and interacting with friends, but is also becoming a credible way of searching for a life partner".
Link to original article
#24: 死期を知らす猫 :オスカーという猫の1日
死期を知らす猫 :オスカーという猫の1日
A cat who knows the time of death: A Day in the Life of Oscar the Cat
N Engl J Med Volume 357:328-329 July 26, 2007 Number 4
Oscar the cat, ever since he began to be used as a staff member when he was only a kitten, has possessed a strange ability to predict the death of residents.
“Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center”というナーシングホーム・リハビリテーションセンターで、25名を超える住居人の死を見送った。
At a nursing home and rehabilitation center called the “Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center”, he has watched over the death of more than 25 of the residents.
For the doctors and nursing staff his appearance is regarded as a near absolute indicator of imminent death, and so is useful for informing the patient's family that death will be soon.
Oscar also carries out the role of preventing patients from dying alone. Oscars work is held in high regard by the doctors, staff and families of the residents.
Link to Japanese article
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