
#11: Ocean's Love

Ocean's Love

(This is not a strange news story, but I wanted to include it in this blog because it is a wonderful and inspiring story.

Ocean's Love とは、障害を持つ子供達にサーフィンを通じて海の素晴らしさ、海の愛、エネルギーを感じてもらって少しでも心がハッピーになってもらえたらと思うところか ら始まった活動です。

Ocean's Love is an activity that arose from the idea that the ocean's wonderfulness, love, and feeling of energy can be experienced through surfing and can bring happiness to the heart.

私の兄が障害を持っていて、以前から何か自分ができる事はないかな?と思っていた時にハワイで自閉症の子供達にサーフィンを体験して もらう活動にボランテイアとして参加した事で、これだ!と思いついたのです。

My older brother has a disability. When previously I was wondering if there was anything that I could do, in Hawaii I participated as a volunteer in an activity where autistic children were given the chance to try surfing. I realised "This was it !".

波に乗るまでは海に来て私の目さえも見れずにずっと下を向いていた子供達が、 沖にでて波に乗って岸に帰ってくると、蔓延(満面)の笑顔!もう一回、もう一回!と沖を指差す子供達を見て、サーフィンが、海がこれほどまでにも人の心を動かす力 がある事に感動しました。

Until the children rode the waves, they came to the ocean, couldn't even look me in the eye, their faces always looking down. Then after they went into the sea, rode a wave and returned to the shore, their whole faces were lit up with a smile. When I saw them pointing to the sea and saying "Once again, once again", I was deeply moved by how much effect surfing and the ocean could have on the hearts of these children.

一 人のサーファーとして私も毎日海に入っていて、海から癒してもらい、海に愛されて、海から自然の大切さ、感謝の気持 ちなど多くの事を学んでいるので、是非これを少しでも多くの人達とshareする事ができたらなんて素晴らしいんだろうと思って私は、スクールなどを開催 しています。

As a surfer, everyday I go into the ocean and receive from the ocean healing and love, and learn the importance of nature, feelings of gratitude and many other things. I think it would be wonderful if I could share these things with some more people, and so I am opening schools and activities to do this.

このOcean's Loveは、その中でも私にとっては特別な存在。なかなか海に行かれない子供達や、サーフィンというものさえ知らない子供達。最初は日本でも初の試みで不安でいっぱいでしたが、多くの人の支えがあり今年でもう5年目。

Among these activities, Ocean's Love is special to me. These children cannot easily go into the ocean and some do not even know what surfing is. When I first started to experiment with this activity in Japan I was full of anxiety, but with the support of many people, this year is the 5th time it has been held.

今では、毎年多くの子供達の笑顔から沢山の元気をもらい、毎回子供達から沢山の事を学ばさ せてもらっています。

Now, every year I receive great energy from the smiling faces of the children, and every time I am taught so much by them.

私の目標は、全国でOcean's Loveを開催する事!です。一人でも多くの子供に海の素晴らしさ、サーフィンの楽しさを知って頂ける様に。

My target is to have Ocean's Love events all around the country! So that more and more children can come to know the wonderfulness of the ocean and the enjoyment of surfing.

Ocean's Love アンジェラ・マキ
Angela Maki

Link to original article

(If you would like to help Angela with an Ocean's Love event in Japan, please express your interest to volunteer using the following link, http://www.wingup-pt.com/oceanslove/volunteer.html. The next event is to be held near Chigasaki city on Saturday, 19/9/2009, which is only a few weeks away.)

(皆さん、アンジェラの Ocean's Love エベントでボランテイアとして手伝う事が出来れば、このリンクでお申し込みしてください、http://www.wingup-pt.com/oceanslove/volunteer.html。次のエベントは茅ヶ崎ボードウオーク付近(駐車場があります)で 9月19日(土) に行います が、後数週間しかありません。)

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