
#1: ロシアで「犬や猫に育てられた」5歳の少女、警察が保護。

In Russia a 5 year old girl has been "raised by cats and dogs", police take into care.

2009年 05月 28日 12:50 JST

[モスクワ 27日 ロイター] ロシアの警察当局は27日、生まれた直後から犬や猫とともにアパートに閉じ込められ、ロシア語を全く話せない5歳の少女を、東シベリアのチタで保護したと発表した。
On the 27th, Russian police announced they had taken into care a 5 year old girl in Chita, Siberia. The girl, who cannot speak any Russian, had been shut up in an apartment with cats and dogs since soon after she was born.

A police spokesman explained that "over a period of 5 years the girl has been 'raised' by several dogs and cats, never once going outside".

It was also stated that, "her clothes were dirty and her body never washed. It was evident that she had animal like characteristics, like jumping at humans".

The apartment was said to have no heating, water or sewerage services.

According to police, the girl, whose name is Natasha, will be observed by a psychologist and put in the care of a children's home.

The girl, who is immature for her age (she looks to be about 2 years old) , refuses to eat food with a spoon.

It is reported that she shows many of the same gestures as the animals she lived with.

Her mother is undergoing investigation, but her father has not yet been found.