
#5: ポピー畑に謎のサークル 原因はワラビーの奇行

ポピー畑に謎のサークル, 原因はワラビーの奇行
Mysterious circles in poppy fields, caused by wallaby eccentricities

Mysterious circles have appeared in poppy fields managed by the Tasmanian government. Whilst there is excited talk about UFOs, the local opinion has become that the offenders are wild wallabies.

It was known that stray wallabies in State government controlled poppy fields, eat the poppy seed heads and display strange behaviour. Recently the talk has been that the circle patterns appearing in the fields are the tracks of such wallabies, jumping round and round in circles.

Rick Rockliff, field operation manager for local poppy producer Tasmania Alkaloids, said that it was well known that in the same place previously livestock such as sheep, cows and deer had strayed onto poppy producing land, eaten the seed heads and shown strange behaviour.

In the state's poppy fields in one year 17 cases of stealing occurred and it was recorded that 2280 poppy seed heads were stolen, as a result misgivings are being voiced about the problem of guarding the poppies.

Link to original article on 現地スタッフがPickUp:今日の オーストラリアニュース


#4: 最も利用されている情報源はインターネット=調査

Survey finds internet is most used source of information.
2009年 06月 18日 14:17 JST
 [ニューヨーク 17日 ロイター] 情報源としてのインターネットは他メディアに比べて人気が最も高く、テレビや新聞よりもネット上でニュースを見る人が多いことが米国の調査で分かった。
A USA survey found that the internet is the most popular information source compared to other media and that the more people use the net to access news than use television or newpapers.

On the other hand, another result showed that the social networking sites (SNS), Face Book, My Space, Twitter and others, do not form more than a small part of the useful information sources used by adults.

In a survey conducted by research company, Zogby Interactive, more than half the people responded that they would choose the internet if they could only choose one information source. 21% would choose television and 10% would choose newspapers or radio.

The people who answered that SNS were an important source of information were limited to 10%, and only 4% of people got their information from the Twitter (which causes trouble to the media?).

About 40% of people answered that the internet was the most reliable or trustworth source of information, this greatly exceed the 17% who selected television, 16% newspapers and 13% radio.

Among the 3030 adults who participated in the online survey, roughly half answered that they highly regarded websites of newspaper companies and 43% used the websites of television stations.

Link to original article on Reuters


#3: 慶応大チームがサルの遺伝子組み換え成功、霊長類で初

Keiou University team succeeds in gene exchange, a first in primates.
2009年 05月 28日 15:34 JST
[ワシントン 27日 ロイター] 慶応大医学部の研究チームが27日、遺伝子組み換え技術を使って、特殊なライトを当てると毛根、皮ふ、血液が緑色に 光るサルの作成と、そのサルから同じ遺伝子を受け継ぐ次世代の子の作成に成功したと発表した。ヒトが属する霊長類での成功は初めて。
On the 27th it was announced that, a research team from Keiou University's medical faculty, had used a gene exchange technique to produce a monkey whose hair roots, skin and blood glow green under a special light. In addition they have succeeded in producing the next generation which inherited the same gene. It is the first time this has been successfully done in primates, a group which includes humans

The team of Dr Erika Sasaki and Dr Hideyuki Okano used a virus to insert a gene for a green fluorescent protein (GFP), which had been extracted from a jellyfish, into the fertilised egg of a common marmoset monkey.

The result was that four of the monkeys that were born had the gene throughout their bodies. It was reported that one of these fathered a monkey that carried the same gene to a 2nd generation.

The research team hope that this success will be useful in the study of Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

The details of the research will appear in an issue of English science magazine "Nature" to be published on the 28th.

Link to original article on Reuters

#2: オーストラリアの景気対策、死者にも給付金支払い

Australian economic measure, even the dead receive payments.
2009年 05月 28日 16:05 JST

[キャンベラ 28日 ロイター] オーストラリア政府による景気刺激策で、すでに亡くなった人や海外在住者にも給付金が支払われていることが分かった。政府が28日明らかにした。
According to the Australian government, it has realised that people who were already dead or living overseas were paid a benefit as part of its business stimulus measure. This was revealed by the government on the 28th.

In Australia, which is falling into recession and where the employment situation is growing worse, the government as part of its economic measure plans to spend a total of A$52 billion (about 3.9 trillion Yen) in special grants. These payments started in September last year.

The intended recipients of the payments were taxpayers, with a focus on households with children and old people. However it was reported that, 16,000 dead people where paid a total of A$14 million (1 billion Yen) and 25,000 people living overseas received A$25 million (1.8 billion Yen).

Finance minister, Mr Tanner, said on local televison "Even though payments had been made to dead people, it would naturally go to their estate". His point of view remained that these payments would be worthwhile and contribute to economic activity.

Link to original article on Reuters